Daring to Hope 

Irish Sisters Embracing the Unknown (1923-2023)

Deirdre O Sullivan, Ann Gray SSC, Toni Pyke AMRI, Sean Fleming TD, Min of State at the Dept of Foreign Affairs, Denise Boyle fmdm & Teresa Divine FMA


Daring to Hope was launched  in Iveagh House and tells the story of Irish Religious Sisters, underpinned by the Gospel values was to go to where there was most need. Their initiative and courage continue today as is evident in the pioneering responses and commitment of Sisters and their colleagues to ‘the cry of Eartha and the Cry of the Poor’ (Pope Francis Laudato Si) both in Ireland and overseas.

With the support of the AMRI Executive Council, a voluntary group has developed a photographic exhibition to hare the multifaceted story of Irish Religious Sisters between 1923-2023, coinciding with the centenary of the Irish State.

Sisters built schools, hospitals, social services, many of which they staffed in response to social change.

Caoimhe de Barra,  CEO Trocaire, spoke of the multiple ‘glass ceilings’ that these sisters did and continue to do in their ministry. Minister of of State, Sean Fleming TD also welcomed people to Iveagh House and took time to speak with many Religious Sisters in attendance.

To find out more http://www.daringtohope.ie

To book or host the exhibition email Toni Pyke (AMRI) or Sr Denis Boyle fmdm – 2023agentsofchange@gmail.com