Earth Matters: Nourishing our Commitments
Earth Matters: Nourishing our Commitments
Spiritual insights from Thomas Aquinas and Teilhard de Chardin
Keynote Speaker Don Goergen, OP, Ph.D.
Author and Professor of Theology
2:00pm (Irish time/8 am Chicago) – 5:00pm January 28th 2023
On the Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas, An Tairseach is pleased to offer a program designed
around the 4 moments of pastoral cycle, (immersion, analysis, theological reflection, and
response) for participants to reflect on the crisis of Earth’s sustainability and its causes. In the
third moment of our day, our keynote speaker will offer insights from two key Catholic scholars
of creation theology and spirituality, Thomas Aquinas and Teilhard de Chardin that can nourish
and support our efforts to heal earth and her community of life.
Keynote Speaker
Fr. Donald Goergen, O.P., Ph.D., is a Dominican priest, teacher, lecturer, and author. He has
published many articles and eleven books in the areas of Christology and Christian Spirituality.
His most recent book is Thomas Aquinas and Teilhard de Chardin: Christian Humanism in an
Age of Unbelief. He has been a professor of systematic theology at Aquinas Institute, St. Louis
Missouri and has lectured and given retreats in Asia, Africa, and throughout North America.
Panel Discussion –Laudato Si in action and Resources for engagement
• Fr Seamus O’ Neil SPMS exploring biomass renewable energy at Kiltegan
• Sr Colette Kane OP and the work of An Tairseach Organic Farm and Ecology Centre
• Ms. Jane Mellett (via zoom) on Trocaire’s work in parishes, Laudato Si book clubs,
Laudato Si animators courses and recently screenings of the movie “The Letter”
• Sr Arlene Flaherty OP USA and the Laudato Si Action Platform
This event is in-person in An Tairseach or online via Zoom
To register for this event in person or online contact:
Sarah at