Event Details

Date: September 30, 2023

Ecumenical Prayer – Synod – Christchurch Dublin


In advance of the first assembly of the Universal Synod, an ecumenical prayer vigil is taking place in Rome on 30 September to unite all Christians in praise and worship. In extending this invitation to Together | Gathering of the People of God, Pope Francis reminded us that ‘the path to Christian unity and the path of synodal conversion of the Church are linked’. In a special way, young people from across the world, from all Church backgrounds, have been invited to Rome to journey together as the People of God to pray for the work of the Synod and the prayer of Our Lord that one day we would all be one (John 17:21).

Earlier last month, the Irish Synodal Pathway encouraged parishes and dioceses to pray in communion with those in Saint Peter’s Square on 30 September. The General Secretary of the Synodal Pathway, Ms Julieann Moran, is encouraging local prayer groups to come together to pray with the Holy Father and pilgrims on the same evening here in Ireland. As this prayer moment is taking place during the Season of Creation, Ms Moran is inviting parishes and groups to use the River Ritual prayer resource, prepared with the Laudato Si Working Group, or to download the hymnbook prepared by the Taizé community especially for the Vigil.