Pilgrimage of Hope: Peace in the World
Recent statistics report that there has been a 15 percent increase in political violence incidents recorded in the past 12 month period, with some 50 countries ranked as ‘extreme, high or turbulent levels of conflict’. Some 1 in 7 people around the world are estimated to have been exposed to conflict in 2024. Palestine is considered the “most dangerous and violent place in the world at the moment” followed by Myanmar. Many more countries are experiencing war and conflict (see ACLED).
On Monday, January 6th AMRI and the Jesuits hosted a Pilgrimage of Hope: Peace for Gaza solidarity event at Manresa Jesuit Centre of Spirituality in Dublin. Those in attendance walked Manresa’s Labyrinth in silence, reflecting on the impact of the current realities taking place in Gaza. After lunch, the documentary Budrus was shown, an award-winning feature documentary film about Palestinian community organiser, Ayed Morrar, who unites Palestinian political factions and invites Israeli supporters to join an unarmed movement to save his village from destruction by Israel’s Separation Barrier. Attendees then listened to the experiences of a Chaplain to the Irish Defence Forces who reflected on his recent tour of Lebanon. The event concluded with a prayer vigil, which incorporated planting sunflower seeds in prayerful hope for peace in the region. The pilgrimage was the second such event organised by the Jesuits and AMRI in solidarity with the people of Palestine and to pray collectively for lasting peace in the region.
The world needs hope and lots of it. Recently, Pope Francis opened the Holy Door to begin the Jubilee Year. He has encouraged each of us to be leaders on our jubilee journey of hope. Someone needs to lead the way, and let it be us as jubilee pilgrims of hope for lasting peace.
Peace Sunday will be celebrated on 19 January and the theme for this year is “Forgive Us Our Trespasses: Grant Us Your Peace”. In a recent article in the Tablet, Sarah McDonald writes how, “Peace Sunday is part of the international Catholic peace movement which embodies peacemaking and peace-building that Pope Francis has repeatedly emphasised is central to Catholic faith in action.”
This Peace Sunday, let us pray collectively for an end to the grotesque spending on armaments and for global peace. Let us also pray for the courage and inspiration to be leaders as pilgrims of hope in a world filled with despair.
Check out Pax Christi for further information and resources HERE.