Upcoming Events in Margaret Aylward Centre for Faith and Dialogue
Keep Watch with Me With Marie Dunne CHF
28th March @7:30 pm
A time of reflection based on the words of Jesus ahead of his journey to the cross – KEEP WATCH WITH ME. The evening will draw on scripture and music, and will allow us the opportunity to ponder as we ourselves journey into Holy Week and beyond. On this journey we carry those in our world whose burden is heavy and painful at this time.
Find Out More Here – https://www.margaretaylwardcentre.ie/event/keep-watch-with-me-with-marie-dunne-chf/
“God With Us”: Reflections on the Person of Jesus for Holy Week With Séan Goan
At the start of Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus is called Emmanuel. During Holy week we see the culmination of his life of proclaiming the Reign of God. How can it be that God is with us in the Cross? In preparation for Easter this day of reflection will focus on how Jesus makes known to us the face of God in everything he said and did. To Book use this link –https://www.margaretaylwardcentre.ie/event/god-with-us-reflections-on-the-person-of-jesus-for-holy-week-with-sean-goan/