Regional Leaders Meetings
This year, members of AMRI staff are teaming up with Leadership Support and Development for the round of AMRI regional meetings of leaders/named contacts, and/or leadership team members.
AMRI Regional meetings of leaders and/or leadership team members 10.00am – 12.30pm
Irish Synodal Pathway conversations open to all leaders and members 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Tuesday 11 February Dublin and South East Margaret Aylward Centre, Glasnevin D11 TC21
Thursday 13 February South West Nano Nagle Place, Cork T12 X70A
Wednesday 19 February Dublin and South East Avila Retreat Centre, Donnybrook D04 YF66
Thursday 20 February West Alexian Brothers, Knock F12 PK73
Tuesday 25 February (note change from 26 Feb in Annual Report) North East St. Joseph’s Redemptorists, Dundalk
A91 F3FC
The regional meeting is your opportunity to: your peers and AMRI staff members;
2. discuss common concerns and identify how AMRI can support you in your ministry of leadership;
3. get up-to-date information on AMRI services and initiatives;
4. consider the Jubilee of Hope;
5. envision how the AMRI Annual Conference can be further developed as an opportunity for dialogue, review, consultation and planning;
6. suggest possible interest groups for conversation during the Conference.
For more information email