As we begin this New Year the Board Members of St Luke’s Centre are delighted to share with you the
following updates. Since 2005 SLC has served the Church by establishing various assessment,
educational and support programmes that have been well received. In our 20th year we remain committed
to developing our services so that we can continue our mission of service. 2025 is a transitional year as
we move from Danesfield to a new location and welcome a new executive director to lead the team. We
would like to update you on the following points:
RELOCATION OF ST LUKE’S CENTRE: In 2005, the Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales
agreed to provide Saint Luke Institute with a building to house St Luke’s Centre (SLC), hence our
occupancy of Danesfield. After consultation and discussions relating to our post-Covid service provision,
our Board has decided to relocate the Centre to a smaller location without residential facilities. After
reviewing several possible new locations, we are discussing a possible move to a former Provincial
Convent in Manchester. We are hopeful that preparations for this move can begin soon.
CONTINUATION OF SERVICES: The relocation of the Centre will enable SLC to continue offering
all the services outlined overleaf, in the most cost-effective and professional way. We continue to offer
and develop new bespoke programmes that address growing needs for Dioceses and Religious
Communities. Our Permanent Diaconate Formation Review Programme and Incardination Assessment
are two examples of specialized services that answer growing needs for Dioceses, Religious and
formation staff. Stakeholders are free to use our services or to seek support from other providers. We are
confident that our various programmes offer value for money especially when compared to other similar
national providers and serve the unique needs of the Church to the highest professional and ecclesial
RECRUITMENT OF NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: On Friday 24th January 2025 our Board
agreed to appoint Fr Andrew Pastore SI as the assistant executive director with a view to Fr Andrew
taking on the role full time in September 2025 when Fr Gerard Fieldhouse-Byrne returns to Salford
Diocese. Fr Andrew is a Schoenstatt priest with experience of community life, formation work, diocesan
parish ministry and educational input. He has worked throughout Europe and beyond. He brings many
gifts and talents to the ministry of SLC. After 20 years of service at the Centre Fr Gerard Fieldhouse
Byrne will move on from the Centre in September 2025, until then, he will help Fr Andrew to settle into
his new role.
If you would like to discuss any of the services we offer please don’t hesitate to contact Fr Gerard at the
Centre: gerardfbyrne@stlukescentre.org.uk or any of our Board representatives:
Most Rev Raymond Brown – Bishops’ Conference of Ireland raybrowne@dioceseofkerry.org
Rev Dr Gerry Maguiness – Bishops’ Conference of Scotland gensec@bcos.org.uk
Rt Rev Dr David Oakley – Bishops’ Conference of England &Wales bishopdavid@northamptondiocese.org
Rev Dr Eamonn Mulcahy CSSp – COREW Representative eamonnmulcahy@hotmail.com
Mr Geard Gallagher – AMRI Representative sec.gen@amri.ie
Assessment and Support Programmes Facilitated by St Luke’s Centre
All assessment programmes are offered non-residentially and in person at the Centre
Clinical Assessment Programme – to address significant problematic behavioural or emotional issues in
the life of a priest or deacon. This can help the man and the diocese consider how to respond to personal
and ministerial needs.
Seminary and Permanent Diaconate Candidate Assessment Programme – We offer this assessment
in residential and non-residential (ZOOM) formats. Since COVID the online version of the assessment
has become most popular as it is the same content as the residential assessment without the major
disruption to the participant.
Seminarian Review Programme – This assessment offers the seminarian the opportunity to review their
progress in formation highlighting areas of growth and areas for ongoing work. It has proven to be very
useful to the seminarian and formators in the seminary. Maynooth has used this service for several years.
Incardination Assessment Programme – This programme offers a way to assess the suitability and
integration of clergy seeking incardination into the diocese or Religious Congregation. It is a vital service
in response to the safe recruitment of clergy.
Emmaus Clergy Review Programme and Sabbatical Programme – these programmes enable clergy
to review their stage of life as priests, respond to significant life issues and prepare well for ongoing
priestly life and ministry.
Ongoing Formation and Clergy Support – SLC facilitates diocesan based clergy formation days and
consultation for clergy and Diocesan Personnel.
Supporting Ministry Programmes – These are structured support programmes for clerics and lay people
working in specialised ministries in Schools, Hospitals and Prison Ministry
Continuing Care Programme – This programme offers ‘case management’ and professional oversight
for priests and Religious needing ongoing support.
Confidential Consultation – SLC offers free consultation as a way of support to Bishops, Religious
Leadership teams and Formation personnel.
Counselling Services – SLC offers therapeutic outpatient services to clergy and lay people serving the
Church. We have helped many to return to healthy and productive ministry since 2005.
Seminary Human Formation Support – SLC supports the Human Formation input at the VEC and
Scots College in Rome. We offer workshops and seminars to seminary formators and seminarians.
Permanent Diaconate Review Programme – This programme has been developed in the same way as
the Seminarian Review Programme and is aimed to help men in formation for the permanent diaconate to
make an informed assessment of their progress and future needs in formation.
St. Luke’s Centre, Danesfield, Whalley Road, Manchester, M16 8BT Tele/Fax: 0161 226 4563
info@stlukescentre.org.uk www.stlukescentre.org.uk Registered U.K. Charity 1111058