The fourth in a series of Webinars organised by the AMRI Lay Mission Committee

A Priest-less Parish – Opportunity or Threat?


With the fall in the numbers of priests and religious in Ireland and the decline in vocations, the challenges facing the Irish Catholic Church, with 1,360 parishes and 2,640 churches, is at crisis point. Yet Irish people continue to value their faith and are willing to share in the responsibility of ministry in the Church. Can the Synodal journey in Ireland empower lay people to take more responsibility for leading parish ministry? If increasing lay participation is the goal what practical steps can help fast track this?

Join us in our latest Webinar on Thursday 11th May 2023 from 7pm – 9pm.


Register HERE 

(Your link will be emailed on Wednesday 10th May)


This webinar will be explore the anticipated needs of our parishes in 5- 10 years and what actions are needed now to ensure sustainable faith communities into the future.

Let’s Hear your Voice.


Three speakers will share their thoughts on issues around this theme and there will be an opportunity to have further discussion in small groups during the webinar.


Speaker 1 – Fr Eugene Duffy

Speaker 2 – Francis Rowland

Speaker 3 – Sr Padraigin McKenna